Pregnancy And Kindling

Once a female rabbit has been mated to a male she will give birth in about 30 days. But know that some smaller breeds can kindle in 28 days and some giant breeds can go as much as 33 days.
Pregnanacy Records
Always remember the date the mother rabbit was mated with the male. BunnyBreeder handles all the records for pregnant mother rabbits and tells you important dates including the Mating Date - Nest Box Date - Kindling Due Date. Members always have this information available.
Nest Boxes
A nestbox must be placed in the cage for the mother to use and must be inserted on day 27. This is one reason good record keeping is so important.
Kindling Day
Mother rabbits will give birth inside the nest box. She will pull hair from her body and place the fur in the hay to make a soft and warm center lined with fur for the kits.
Mother Pulled Too Much Fur
If the mother pulls too much fur for the nestbox it is wise to collect some of the fur and keep it clean and dry. Extra fur can be used in kindling where mother did no pull enough fur.
Mother Didn't Pull Enough Fur
If a mother rabbit makes a nest and doesn't pull enough fur then add some from you extra fur you have collected from mother who pulled too much.
Mother Gave Birth On Cage Floor
There are many reason a mother may give birth on the cage floor and here are a few of the most common reason.
  • New Mother and not experienced
  • Frightened - Scared
  • Close Proximity of Snakes, Hawks, Dogs, Cats
  • Loud Noises
  • Unfamiliar Visitors
  • Sickness or Injury
  • Other Rabbits in Same cage
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