Rabbit Pedigrees

What is a pedigree?

A pedigree is a complete record of a rabbit's mother, father, grand parents and great grand parents. A rabbit pedigree will contain information on the breed, color, weight, registration number and more for each rabbit and their parents. A pedigree is very important and required when you have a rabbit that you want to get registered. Rabbits must be registered to be granded, but they cannot be registered without a complete 3 generation pedigree that has all the required information.

What information is on a pedigree?

A rabbit pedigree will show the rabbit's name, breed, color, ear number, weight, birth date, registration number, grand champion number, show wins and legs. It will also have the same information for the parents, the grandparents and the great grandparent.

Does BunnyBreeder.com help me keep pedigree records?


Parent information is generated automatically by BunnyBreeder.

As you use BunnyBreeder the pedigrees and required information for each rabbit is stored in the database and users can automatically generate pedigrees with assurance of reliablility and accuracy.

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